Monday, March 2, 2009

So long winter.

January and February are finally over. Praise the Lord.

January and February are always undoubtedly difficult months for me. For some reason for the past few years it has proven to be this way. I'm pretty sure that whenever I die it will be in either January or February. Even at the age of 20 I almost lost my will to live. I can only imagine what would've happened if I were 75 years old.

It snowed here on Saturday. Two days after it had been 70 degrees. Of course. I thought I had made it through the winter completely escaping my annual ice wipe out (yes, I really do have an annual wipe out). When I was leaving for work I was running across the street and hit the ground pretty hard. Luckily, after playing volleyball for 5 years I learned how to fall without killing myself (pretty much the only valuable thing I learned from sports).

I've been working on writing a new accordion song. I think I pretty much have all the music written for it. Now it's just a matter of writing lyrics that I am happy with. We are planning on having house shows some time in the near future. I would really to work on creating an environment where artists feel as though they are being supported and encouraged in comparison to critiqued and compared. Sharing personal artwork is terrifying enough by itself. I think that it if were presented in a way that was seen as more of vulnerable service to others instead of a terrifying judging fest more people would be willing to share their talents. I think sometimes we all forget that the talents we feel self-conscious about are actually appreciated by other people.

Yesterday marked my 2 weeks at Chipotle. I'm not really quite sure how to feel about working there yet. Most of the people I work with are really nice, but since I've been there two people have been fired and one more will be fired soon. I've been told that I am one of the first employees of the "new wave" of Chipotle. I'm not really sure how to feel about this. It's nice to have a job to cover all my expenses and to have a steady amount of income, but it has been a long time since I have had such a consistent job.

Since I am an avid people watcher, I have found the variety of people who eat at Chipotle very interesting. All different ethnicities, social classes, ages, etc... And, believe it or not... There are people who actually eat at Chipotle EVERY DAY. Yes, it's true.

There was a man and his son that came in yesterday who I found rather amusing:

The father came up to the cash register with a sly little smirk of pride on his face. He had this strange spark in his eye. When I handed him his receipt he leaned in and we had this conversation:

Father: "This is my son's first Chipotle burrito EVER."
Me: "Wow, this is really quite the monumental occasion." <-- Rather sarcastically.
Father: "I know. I remember when I took my first bite of a Chipotle burrito. It's something I'll never forget."
Me: "Well, I'm glad to know that you are passing the torch to your son."
Father: "Yes, I'm sure that his burrito will be cherished as much as my first one was."

As they walked to their table the father put his hand on his son's shoulder with a beaming face. After they left I felt as though I had just witnessed some form of passage into manhood.

It's entirely too ridiculous how seriously people take their Chipotle burritos.


  1. a little story: in high school, in Dallas, anyone could yell out "Freebirds or Chipotle?!?!" in class at any given time and the entire class, including teachers, would erupt into a full-blown discussion of the pros and cons of either burrito establishment.
    just. weird.

  2. Angie. I think your blog teaches us a very important lesson.
    Even in January and February we can find joy in simple things...even Chipotle burritos.
