Sunday night I was working at the cash register. We were pretty slow and there was only one couple going through the line. When the girl came up to the cash register we started to talk a little bit. Some how it was brought up that I just moved to Kansas City. She told me that she was hosting a female craft night on Monday and asked me if I would like to come. I've been looking for as many ways of getting plugged into the city anyway, so I agreed to come.
On Monday I showed up to the craft night with my knitting in hand (I'm knitting a pillow). Aside from myself, four other girls showed up. The original initiative for the night was to work on crafts, but instead we just talked the entire time. As we were talking about our backgrounds, we came to the realization that not a single one of us was from Kansas City and had no idea how we ended up here. We collectively came from Swtizerland, Michigan, Texas, and Western Kansas. The more we discussed the more we realized how we have all been thinking about very similar ideas as of recent.
The girl who invited me is learning how to be an energy healer. From what she explained, an energy healer is a person who observes energies of different types and helps people learn how to channel their energy in healthy ways. She told me the reason she invited me was because she could sense my energy and felt a unique type of energy from me. I'm not quite sure how to feel about this type of stuff. It slightly creeped me out, but at the same time I also felt a strange type of comfort.
As the night continued, all of us began to realize that we were all on the same page. We had all come from completely different backgrounds but were coming to the same conclusions about life. How do you explain this?
We started to discuss the idea of collective consciousness and the changing of the seasons. Not only that, but the idea that we are all one. The same thread of truth and ideas is flowing all around but in different forms and with different terms attached. We need to stop finding reasons to separate and disattach ourselves from everything that is important. We can't continue to believe that we are autonomous.
The lady from Switzerland was pretty much preaching. She had also studied energy reading and she started going around the room telling everyone what their strength was. Everyone had a fairly practical and obvious strength. One girl was a giver. One girl was a library: a source of information. I can't remember what the other girl was... And then she just looked at me straight in the eye and said, "You are a fairy. You are magical. You have a really intense communication with nature." WHAT?! What is that supposed to mean? How do you react to a comment like that?
I know this all sounds really strange, and I can't really deny that it isn't. But, as I was looking back on our conversation I couldn't help but see the connection between Christianity and these "energies." Energies are pretty much a different term for spiritual gifts and the idea of the body of Christ: learning how to develop our gifts the best that we can to serve a role that needs to be filled. The energy healer was talking about how she has a lot of healing to do and how she feels as though she cannot help guide other people until she has healed more herself.
It's all the same! I felt like I was in a Bible study minus all the Christianese terms.
I'm sure that there are many people that would disagree with me on this, but there is something going on that I can't really explain. For the past year I have been learning the same theme over and over again from people and nature communicated in different ways. It's to the point where I absolutely cannot pretend to not observe this.
Anyway, I'm through sounding like a "stereotypical hippie" for the day.
Here are some pictures.
I looked out my window to discover this majestic being.
This is where we do our grocery shopping.
Evie, Tyler, and I went on a walk the other day and there was a dog on a roof barking at us named Murphy.
I need to get out of this coffee shop. There is a creeper guy here drawing pictures of sexy anime girls who keeps on eye balling me. Seriously?