Sunday, February 8, 2009


This is going to be a brief update. There is too much business to take care of.

As most of you don't know, I officially moved to Kansas City last Sunday.

I live in a house with my sister (Evie) and her boyfriend (Tyler). My other sister (Lydia) and a three-legged cat (Ganglamesh) will be joining us in a few weeks. Yeah, I know, three sisters, one guy, and a three-legged cat living in a house together. Strange. You can imagine the types of comments we have already received. But, in truth, this is pretty much the ideal living situation for all of us. I can't really think of any other people that I would rather live with. We cook together for almost every meal (mostly rice and beans) and eat on the floor. It's great to be living with people who really want to take care of each other.

We are all currenly jobless. As everyone already knows, it is a hard time to find a job. Yesterday I just got out a phone book and started calling random places to see if anyone was hiring. Out of the 8-10 places I called, only one place was possibly hiring. I started calling random businesses almost as a strange type of game to see who all wasn't hiring. We have a few possibilites of jobs that might work out, but nothing is definite. Chipotle is looking like my most promising possibility (big surprise, right?). If that job doesn't work out, I will be hittin the streets with my accordion. You think I'm kidding...

Tyler gave a little old lady a ride home from the grocery store the other day. In the midst of taking her home the old lady unzipped her pants and pulled out a package of Jimmy Dean sausages. She looked at Tyler and said, "You gotta do whatch' you gotta do sometimes." It looks as though I might be adopting this philosophy.

Our house is really beautiful. The house has 4-5 bedrooms, all hardwood floors, new appliances, two full baths, a great front porch, a nice landlord, and most importantly... $800 rent split between four people. The neighborhood we live in is relatively quiet and peaceful with friendly neighbors. Kansas City is one of those places where one block can be one of the safest places you could possibly be while the next block is nothing short of a shit storm. We heard gun shots from a few blocks away last night and then proceeded to see a helicopter with a spotlight flying around. Luckily, we spoke with one of our neighbors who has lived on our block for 5 years and he said that it was a really calm place to live and that all the neighbors really looked out for each other.

This has been one hell of a year. The nomadic lifestyle is a very romantic idea and I'm glad that I have made the decisions that I have, but I don't really think that this way of living is healthy for an extended period of time. I have come to discover that being tossed around and moving all the time is too emotionally exhausting.

Needless to say, it feels good to be living with people in a more permanent state.

I live with some of my best friends, have enough food to eat, and a roof over my head.

Please come visit soon. We'd love to have you. I'll feed you rice and beans.

1 comment:

  1. Hey...I stumbled upon your blog.
    I also reluctantly started a new one.
