Thursday, April 2, 2009

Here's to you Little Angie

I went home yesterday to do some photography for my parent's bakery website. Being at home has made me really think about my past. I walked around our land and roamed into our barns. It was strange really allowing myself to think about all that has happened within the past 10-12 years of my life. I found old diaries and journals from 8-10 year old Angie. In one of my old diaries I came across a letter I had written to myself in the future. The letter was composed of questions asking about what type of person I had become. It really was quite humbling to remember that side of myself.

After all of this reflection on my past I came to a solid conclusion: Little Angie was way cooler than the current Angie. These are some of the things that Little Angie did that I feel the need to find a way of doing again.

- Plant and take care of a strawberry patch
- Sit in trees for hours listening and observing birds
- Make swings hanging off of trees out of rope and scrap wood
- Build benches out of tree stumps
- Lay in the backyard at night and try to pick out constellations
- Play the piano for at least an hour everyday
- Write stories
- Draw
- Have wrestling competitions on the trampoline/stuff my shirt with pillows and have sumo wrestling matches
- Explore
- Run just for the thrill of seeing how fast I can get my legs to move
- Slide on my stomach in puddles while it's raining
- Let my sisters tie me up with ropes and hang me from the rafters in our barn so that I can jump off the hay-loft in an attempt to fly
- Go on bike rides
- Choreograph dances on my rollerblades
- Sew pillows
- Cry while watching The Lion King
- Perform marriage ceremonies with our cats
- Wear panda sweaters
- Allow myself to get excited about little things

Here's to you Little Angie.

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