Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Earth Week

I have decided that I want to be a person who is constantly creating. I am not sure of very many things, but one thing that I am sure of is that nothing brings me a deeper sense of fulfillment than creating.

Creating beauty.
Creating genuine interactions.
Creating art.
Creating connections.
Creating music.

Yesterday I went home to help my mom plant some raspberry bushes and take pictures for my parent's bakery.

Great form, right?

And then there's this...

Friday, April 10, 2009

Reasons to be Alive

My stream of experiences continually remind me to see the fragility of balance.

At the same time, I can't help but recognize the ability of unsuspecting resilience.

These are the only flowers of this type that live in our yard.

This three-legged cat takes care of me.

It is Spring.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Here's to you Little Angie

I went home yesterday to do some photography for my parent's bakery website. Being at home has made me really think about my past. I walked around our land and roamed into our barns. It was strange really allowing myself to think about all that has happened within the past 10-12 years of my life. I found old diaries and journals from 8-10 year old Angie. In one of my old diaries I came across a letter I had written to myself in the future. The letter was composed of questions asking about what type of person I had become. It really was quite humbling to remember that side of myself.

After all of this reflection on my past I came to a solid conclusion: Little Angie was way cooler than the current Angie. These are some of the things that Little Angie did that I feel the need to find a way of doing again.

- Plant and take care of a strawberry patch
- Sit in trees for hours listening and observing birds
- Make swings hanging off of trees out of rope and scrap wood
- Build benches out of tree stumps
- Lay in the backyard at night and try to pick out constellations
- Play the piano for at least an hour everyday
- Write stories
- Draw
- Have wrestling competitions on the trampoline/stuff my shirt with pillows and have sumo wrestling matches
- Explore
- Run just for the thrill of seeing how fast I can get my legs to move
- Slide on my stomach in puddles while it's raining
- Let my sisters tie me up with ropes and hang me from the rafters in our barn so that I can jump off the hay-loft in an attempt to fly
- Go on bike rides
- Choreograph dances on my rollerblades
- Sew pillows
- Cry while watching The Lion King
- Perform marriage ceremonies with our cats
- Wear panda sweaters
- Allow myself to get excited about little things

Here's to you Little Angie.